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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

 Man survives croc attack in Trusan with severe injuries after poking reptile’s eyes to escape

# News Source
(Borneo Post)
Published : November 5, 2020

LAWAS (Nov 5): An Indonesian worker here survived a crocodile attack after he managed to get the reptile to loosen its grip on him by poking its eyes when he was attacked while working at Ladang Kris Jati Trusan yesterday morning.

Lawas District Police Chief DSP Roslan Leman said during the 10.40am incident, the victim, Sulu Maralang 46, suffered serious injuries to his left thigh which was bitten by the crocodile.

“The victim was harvesting oil palm fruits at the edge of a drain when a crocodile suddenly attacked him, biting down on his left thigh.

“In the ensuing struggle, he managed to poke the crocodile’s eyes with his fingers and when it loosened its grip, he immediately escaped and sought help from his co-workers nearby who subsequently informed the assistant farm manager,” he said in a statement today.

Roslan said the assistant farm manager then sought help from the medical assistant working with the farm to administer first aid to the victim before sending him for further treatment at Lawas Hospital.

According to Roslan, the location of the incident was only 300 meters from the Trusan river, and of late, the workers there had spotted crocodiles in the vicinity, especially during high tide.

Saltwater crocodiles, which can grow up to six metres in length, are known to journey out to sea due to their ability to survive in saltwater by using riverways.

This is the first reported case of a crocodile attack in the area.


Enormous crocodile pulled from drain moved to Miri Crocodile Farm safely

# News Source
(Borneo Post)
Published : December 12, 2020

MIRI (Dec 12): A 14-foot-long saltwater crocodile caught last Thursday by the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) and Batu Niah Fire Station personnel at a drain near an oil palm plantation along the Bintulu coastal road, has been relocated to Benaya Farm or Miri Crocodile Farm in Kuala Baram.

A SFC spokesperson said the female crocodile was earlier found entangled in a trap at about 3.20pm on Dec 10.

“With the help of firemen from the Batu Niah Fire and Rescue Station, the female crocodile was successfully rescued and has been sent to Benaya Farm in Kuala Baram,” the spokesperson told The Borneo Post today (Dec 12).

According to the spokesperson, the crocodile was believed to have been searching for food in the area.

“It is believed that about seven to eight dogs have been eaten by the crocodile. It has been a source of food for the crocodile as the drainage is connected to the main river of Niah,” the spokesperson added.

Meanwhile, SFC reminded people to report immediately to the nearest SFC office should they spot any crocodiles encroaching into their areas so that the necessary steps could be taken.

They are reminded against harming the reptile, which is protected under the Wild Life Protection Ordinance 1998.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

One-tonne croc wanders into Limbang town

# News Source
(Utusan Borneo)
Published : September 4, 2017

Folk in Limbang were left in shock and awe when a 16-foot crocodile appeared to have lost its way and ended up in front of a tyre shop at the town’s industrial zone yesterday.

The croc, weighing approximately one tonne, was first spotted along a cement path by tyre shop employees around 7.30am, prompting an immediate call to the Limbang Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba).

“Eight firemen were dispatched to the scene following a distress call from a member of the public,” said Limbang fire station chief Tawang Lingem.

According to Tawang, firemen first covered the massive reptile’s eyes with cloth before tying its legs.

“We managed to secure the crocodile at about 8.15am. A forklift was used to lift it onto a truck before it was transported to the Bomba office compound.”

Following discussions with Sarawak Forestry Corporation staff, Tawang and his men released the 16-foot croc into a log pond at Jalan Kubong, Sungai Pandaruan later in the afternoon. Photos and videos of the incident went viral on social media, WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. Limbang native Mohidian Sulaiman said it was the first time a crocodile found its way into the town.

“I managed to get the pictures of the croc after a friend WhatsApp-ed me that the reptile was at the industrial area,” he said when contacted.

- Borneo Post

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Buaya berkeliaran di sebuah taman rekreasi, Agrotek, Lundu.

# News Source
(RTM Sarawak)
Published : April 11, 2017

LUNDU: Penduduk Kampung Pandan di sini digemparkan dengan kehadiran buaya yang berkeliaran di sebuah taman rekreasi, Agrotek pagi tadi.

Menurut jurucakap bomba, penemuan reptilia tersebut dilaporkan orang awam yang berada ditempat berkenaan sekitar jam 10.35 pagi.

"Ketika tiba di lokasi, buaya terbabit berkeliaran dan mengancam pengunjung Agrotek," katanya.

Beliau berkata, anggota bomba bertindak menangkap buaya tersebut.

"Buaya berkenaan diserahkan kepada Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (PERHILITAN) untuk tindakan selanjutnya," ujarnya.-Sarawakiana

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Crocodile caught from the waters of Sibuti, Miri.

# News Source
(RTM Sarawak)
Published : April 10, 2017

MIRI : Residents of Kampung Rancah Rancah, Sibuti could now heave a sigh of relief as the Swift Wildlife Action Team (SWAT) of SARAWAK FORESTRY Corporation (SFC) has been able to remove a second crocodile from the waters of Sibuti yesterday evening. 

The male croc which measured at 12 feet has been described by SFC’s SWAT as the largest croc captured in the Miri division this year.

“The head of the said kampung had earlier in January 2017 lodged a report of crocodile attacks on the villagers’ poultry but it took our SWAT a second operation commencing 27 February before we were able to snare this adult croc,” said a statement issued by SFC today.

“With this successful catch, the operation at the said location would be called off today. 

In a separate operation, our SWAT had also successfully removed a 5 feet female croc at Bungai which is also within the Sibuti waters on 30 March 2017. 

The croc was then transferred to Benaya Crocodile Farm,” the statement added.

The SFC statement went on to advise the public to be “crocwise” when using the river. 

SFC also urged the public to report sightings of rogue and nuisance crocodiles to the nearest Forest Department or SFC office.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Seekor buaya berjaya dijerat. Kejemut Skrang, Sri Aman.

# News Source
(Sibu, Sarawak Page)
Published : March 27, 2017

Buaya dikatakan diumpan menggunakan anjing.

Kredit Foto & Kapsyen : Engkarung Ribai

Monday, March 13, 2017

Tangkap buaya untuk kurangkan serangan. Kampung Endap, Kota Samarahan.

# News Source
(Utusan Borneo)
Published : March 14, 2017
Penduduk Kampung Endap mengangkat buaya yang ditangkap ke dalam kenderaan pikap.
KOTA SAMARAHAN: Demi mengurangkan risiko serangan buaya, seorang penduduk Kampung Endap mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk menangkap reptilia itu.

Menurut adik penduduk tersebut, dia bersama abangnya dan seorang lagi rakan mereka cuba menangkap reptilia itu menggunakan umpan ayam.

“Kami baharu sahaja memulakan usaha menangkap buaya ini Sabtu lalu dengan menggunakan umpan ayam yang diikat pada mata kail khas.

“Pada keesokan harinya (Ahad) sekitar jam 9 pagi, kami memeriksa mata kail dan mendapati buaya sepanjang lebih 12 kaki makan umpan yang kami pasang,” katanya ketika ditemui di Kampung Endap di sini semalam.

Malah, dia memberitahu dianggarkan buaya yang berjaya ditangkap itu mempunyai berat lebih 70 kilogram.

Bagaimanapun, buaya berkenaan dibunuh sebelum diserahkan kepada seorang individu lain.

Sementara itu, menurut seorang penduduk berusia 43 tahun yang enggan disiarkan namanya, dia tidak lagi berani turun ke sungai di kampung berkenaan.

“Sejak populasi buaya di sungai di kampung ini bertambah dan bimbang diserang, saya tidak lagi turun menjala.

“Kelibat buaya boleh dilihat setiap hari dan ketika air sungai pasang, buaya-buaya ini bersama anak-anaknya pasti timbul,” dedahnya.

Justeru, dia menyambut baik usaha penduduk kampung menangkap reptilia itu bagi mengurangkan ancaman serangan buaya di situ.

- Utusan Borneo

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Tallest tree in Danum Valley, Sabah stands at 94.1m.

# News Source
(Borneo Post)
Published : March 12, 2017
The tallest tree in Danum valley. – Photo courtesy of Sabah Forest Department.
KUCHING: An ecologist at Carnegie Institute of Science at Stanford University has announced the discovery, via air surveillance, of the tallest tree in Danum Valley, Lahad Datu, Sabah at the ‘Heart of Borneo Conference’ held at The Magallen Sutera Harbour in Sabah last November.

Prof Gregory Asner, who is also the leader of the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO), said the tree belonged to the genus Shorea, although the exact species had yet to be determined.

“The tree is 94.1m tall with a canopy measuring 40.3m in diameter. Asner and his colleagues also found 49 other trees taller than 90m spread all over Sabah,” said Sabah Forest Department in a press statement yesterday.

Impressed with the announcement and the hope that it would highlight the need to protect Borneo’s rainforests, Datuk Sam Mannan, chief conservator of forests, instructed an expedition to be organised this year to locate and determine the tree species.

Recently, a team of researchers and supporting staff from the Forest Research Centre (FRC) of Sabah Forest Department, led by its forest botanist John B. Sugau, together with two guides from Danum Valley Field Centre (DVFC) carried out an expedition from Feb 20 to 24.

Prior to the expedition, the coordinates of the tallest tree, obtained from Asner were plotted on the map of Danum Valley Conservation Area (DVCA).

The map shows that the tree is located about 600m southwest of Ulu Purut Research Station (UPRS) camp.

UPRS is located about 7km east of DVFC and can be reached after four to five hours of trekking through an existing forest trail.

The team commenced the search from UPRS camp about 8am on Feb 22 based on the coordinates logged into the Garmin Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver.

Fifty minutes later, the team found the tree about 150m from the existing Ulu Purut Research Station Camp-Mount Danum Raleigh Camp trail, growing in an old forest gap of Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest on a slope of about 359m above sea level.

Juanis Runcin, a tree climber from Sabah Forest Department, climbed the tree to obtain leaf samples for species identification and to manually measure the height of the tree for comparison.

The tree is botanically identified as Shorea faguetiana F. Heim of the Dipterocarpaceae family or locally called ‘seraya kuning siput’.

The earlier record of the tallest tropical tree in Tawau Hills Park is also of the same species.

The tree’s height was directly measured by the  climber using line and extendable pole.

Two height measurements were taken, one from the top to the ground at the upper slope (90.8m) and another from the top to the ground at the lower slope (95.2m).

The CAO measurement of 94.1m is within the range of the measurements. The bole girth is 214cm measured above the buttress.

Apart from the mission to locate and determine the tree species, other observations on the flora and fauna as well as on the presence of any key features were also made around the tallest tree.

Among the interesting findings were the discovery of many endemic Begonia species and two scenic waterfalls.

Other studies such as soil and forest structure were also carried out to obtain more information about the surrounding area.

As the world’s tallest tropical tree, it could become a heritage tree and will attract many local and overseas visitors.

Though it is already in a protected forest reserve, it may need extra protection such as a track from DVFC and checking station to be manned properly.

Among other recommendations that will be forwarded to the management of DVCA are to indicate the tallest tree on the map of DVCA; establish a user-friendly trail from the existing Ulu Purut Research Station-Raleigh Camp Trail to the tallest tree; erect signage and information board on the tallest tree at the appropriate location and more importantly protect the trees from lightning such by installing lightning protection equipment.

The expedition team thanked Datuk Sam Mannan for his support to the expedition, Asner who led to the discovery of the tallest tree and Dr Yap Sau Wai and Jikos Gidiman of Yayasan Sabah for their support and arranging for guides and porters for the expedition.

- Borneo Post

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Buaya sepanjang 3.5 meter berjaya ditangkap. Sungai Peking, Long Lama, Marudi.

# News Source
(My Metro)
Published : March 7, 2017

Marudi: Buaya sepanjang 3.5 meter berjaya ditangkap dalam Op Sang Bedal di Sungai Peking, Long Lama, berhampiran Rumah Panjang Jampang petang tadi.

Operasi membabitkan polis, Jabatan Hutan dan penduduk kampung itu dilancarkan sejak tiga hari lalu susulan serangan buaya yang mengorbankan remaja perempuan berusia 17 tahun di sungai berkenanaan pada 21 Februari lalu.

Ketua Polis Daerah Marudi Deputi Superintendan Gabriel Risut berkata, bagaimanapun, hasil pemeriksaan mendapati buaya berkenaan bukan buaya yang menyerang mangsa.

"Operasi akan diteruskan pada keesokannya," katanya.

Mangsa, Agnes Luang, 17, diserang buaya ketika mandi di sungai berkenaan bersama ibunya pada jam 6.30 petang.

Mayat mangsa ditemui keesokan paginya dengan kesan gigitan di belakang badan.

- My Metro

Sunday, February 26, 2017

(March 2015) Nelayan terkejut bangkai buaya dalam jaring - Fishermen stunned to find a dead crocodile in his net. Kampung Bako, Kuching.

# News Source
(The Star)
Published : March 13, 2015
Sarawak Forestry Corporation wildlife officer Wan Mazlan Wan Majian inspecting the crocodile carcass at Kampung Bako in Kuching. 

KUCHING 12 Mac 2015 – Enam sahabat berasa cukup teruja apabila mendapati jaring yang dipasang berhampiran Teluk Langkang, Bako di sini hari ini terasa berat apabila ditarik kerana menyangka ada ikan besar tersangkut di dalamnya.

Namun, alangkah terkejutnya mereka apabila melihat seekor buaya tembaga seberat 200 kilogram dan 3 meter panjang yang sudah mati melekat pada jaring berkenaan.

Hamka Anuar, 35, berkata, dia bersama rakan-rakan memang sudah biasa menjaring ikan di kawasan tersebut sejak setahun lalu tetapi ini pertama kali buaya terperangkap dalam jaring yang dipasang.

Pekerja perahu penambang itu memberitahu, mereka menaiki sebuah perahu dari jeti Taman Negara Bako untuk memeriksa jaring yang dipasang kira-kira lima kilometer (km) dari situ pada pukul 10 pagi.

“Apabila sampai, kami terus menarik jaring untuk menaikkan ikan tetapi kali ini berasa hairan kerana berat yang luar biasa.

“Kami berasa teruja kerana menyangka ikan besar yang tersangkut lalu menggunakan segala kudrat yang ada untuk menarik jaring.

“Namun, kami semua terkejut besar sebaik sahaja melihat muncung mulut buaya timbul selepas jaring berjaya dinaikkan,” katanya kepada pemberita di Jeti Taman Negara Bako.

Hamka berkata, mereka berasa lega apabila mendapati buaya terbabit sudah mati dan mengambil keputusan menarik bangkai reptilia itu ke jeti.

Katanya, sang bedal terbabit mungkin terperangkap dalam jaring yang dipasang pada malam tadi semasa cuba memakan ikan yang melekat pada alat tangkapan itu sebelum mati akibat tidak dapat bernafas.

“Sebelum itu pada sebelah petang, kami ada pergi melihat jaring berkenaan tetapi tiada apa-apa. Memang agak cemas apabila terlihat muncungnya timbul selepas jaring ditarik kerana jika masih hidup, pasti buaya besar ini akan melibas perahu kami,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Pegawai Hidupan Liar, Sarawak Forestry Corporatian (SFC), Wan Mazlan Wan Majian berkata, pihaknya akan membawa bangkai buaya berkenaan ke kawasan khas terletak kira-kira 5 km dari Jeti Taman Negara Bako untuk ditanam.


KUCHING: A fisherman from Kampung Bako was stunned to find a dead crocodile in his net on Thursday morning. 

Hamka Anuar, 35, went to check his fishing net near the estuary of Sungai Bako, about 20 minutes away by boat from the village, and was surprised to find it so heavy. 

"I was pleased at first because I thought I had caught a lot of fish. But when I started hauling up the net, I spotted a crocodile in it instead," he said. 

The 3m-long reptile weighing about 200kg was believed to have drowned as it was caught in the net and could not surface to breathe. 

Hamka said it took six men to haul the carcass to the boat terminal at the village, where it attracted the attention of tourists, who were waiting to board boats for the nearby Bako National Park. 

One of them, 19-year-old Sydney Brown from Canada, said it was the first time she had seen a crocodile. 

The carcass was handed over to Sarawak Forestry Corporation personnel at the terminal. 

Hamka said this was the second time he had "caught" a crocodile. 

"Two years ago, I found a smaller crocodile, about two metres long, in my net," he said.

- The Star (2015)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Pemancing terkejut kail mengena ikan serupa ular sawa, Ulu Ensika, Sebuyau.

# News Source
(Utusan Borneo)
Published : February 20, 2017
Paul menunjukkan mempaik yang menyerupai ular sawa.

Paul menunjukkan hasil tangkapan lain di Ulu Ensika, Sebuyau.
KUCHING: Seorang pemancing terkejut dengan hasil tangkapan agak unik dan jarang diperolehi apabila mata kailnya mengena ikan mempaik.

Pemancing yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Paul berkata mempaik diperoleh ketika memancing di Ulu Ensika, Sebuyau pada Ahad lepas adalah seberat 4.7 kilogram dan panjang kira-kira dua meter.

Ikan yang habitatnya di kawasan hulu sungai turut dikenali dengan nama ular api ai dan pek ai.

Sekali imbas ia seakan-akan ular sawa kerana memiliki corak batik di badannya dan panjang seolah-olah ular.

Menurut Paul, beliau pernah menangkap mempaik seberat 5.6 kilogram sebelum ini.

Katanya lagi, empaik membiak secara bertelur dan telurnya kira-kira sebesar telur burung puyuh.

Ikan ini juga menyerupai ikan tilan - tetapi ikan tilan saiznya lebih kecil.

- Utusan Borneo

Friday, February 17, 2017

Crocodile got stucked - Buaya sangkut di pagar, Rampangi, Santubong, Kuching.

# News Source
(Borneo Post)
Published : February 18, 2017

KUCHING: A crocodile measuring more than two metres was caught by villagers after it got stuck when it tried to crawl through a chain-link fence of a house at Rampangi near Santubong on Thursday evening.

The croc had earlier entered the house compound through a loose section of the fence to feast on some ducks the house owner reared but its movement was detected by residents there.

A number of them gathered at the compound to catch the thieving reptile which in its panic to escape went through the wrong part of the fence which was tight and got stuck thus becoming a sitting duck for its pursuers.

“We then gathered to catch the crocodile as it tried to escape but as it passed through the wire fence, it got stuck.

“That was when we covered its head including its eyes, and also tied it with ropes,” one of the villagers said.

The unfortunate reptilian duck thief has been sent to the relevant authorities but its fate is unknown at press time.

- Borneo Post


KUCHING: Seekor buaya berjaya ditangkap selepas dikatakan membaham beberapa ekor itik di sebuah rumah berdekatan Jambatan Santubong di sini, malam kelmarin.

Menurut sumber, buaya tersebut terdahulu dilihat memasuki pekarangan rumah berkenaan sebelum penduduk di sekitar kawasan tersebut cuba menangkapnya.

Dipercayai buaya tersebut cuba melepaskan diri, namun terperangkap di bahagian pagar dan peluang itu digunakan penduduk untuk terus menangkapnya.

Buaya tersebut difahamkan telah diserahkan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk tindakan selanjutnya.

Sementara itu, dalam kejadian berasingan, Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) mempergiatkan operasi penakaian buaya di perairan Sungai Santubong dalam usaha menyelesaikan konflik manusia-buaya.

Operasi oleh Swift Wildlife Action Team (SWAT) bermula pada 14 Februari lalu selepas insiden kematian Selamat Raub, 55, yang dipercayai dibaham buaya.

“Seekor buaya betina berukuran 2.9 meter panjang dan berat dianggarkan 200 kilogram telah memakan umpan malam semalam (kelmarin) dan kemudian ditarik ke darat pada jam 9 pagi tadi (semalam).

“Bedah siasat yang dijalankan oleh Unit Forensik Hospital Umum Sarawak (HUS) ke atas buaya tersebut, namun tidak menemui sebarang bahagian tubuh manusia di dalam perutnya,” kata kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan SFC semalam.

Operasi di Sungai Santubong akan diteruskan untuk menakai lebih banyak buaya bersaiz besar yang boleh mendatangkan bahaya kepada manusia.

- Utusan Borneo 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Gua Angin ditutup sementara akibat banjir, Bau.

# News Source
(Utusan Borneo)
Published : February 17, 2017
Keadaan kawasan Rizab Semula Jadi Gua Angin ditutup sementara akibat banjir.
KUCHING: Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) semalam mengeluarkan notis pemberitahuan penutupan sementara serta-merta Rizab Semula Jadi Gua Angin ekoran banjir berlaku di kawasan berkenaan susulan hujan lebat tanpa henti.

SFC dalam kenyataan akhbarnya semalam berkata, akibat banjir itu juga, platform jeti terletak berhampiran rizab juga ditenggelami air.

“Air melimpah keluar dari sungai berdekatan telah membanjiri kawasan dalam Gua Angin.

“Bagaimanapun, Rizab Semula Jadi Gua Pari-Pari masih dibuka untuk kunjungan orang ramai buat masa ini,” kata kenyataan akhbar tersebut.

Orang ramai boleh menghubungi pengurusan Rizab Semula Jadi Gua Angin dan Gua Pari-Pari di talian +6082-375490 atau Pejabat Taman Negara di talian +6082-248088 untuk sebarang pertanyaan dan maklumat lain.

Gua Angin akan dibuka semula kepada pengunjung apabila keadaan banjir beransur pulih dan sebarang masalah yang timbul amat dikesali.

- Utusan Borneo

Friday, February 10, 2017

Bukan ikan tapi seekor buaya yang sangkut dalam pukat nelayan, Matu, Mukah.

# Sumber Maklumat
(Utusan Borneo)
Published : February 11, 2017
Anak buaya sepanjang empat kaki lebih menggemparkan penduduk Matu.
MUKAH: Penduduk sekitar Matu kelmarin digempar penemuan seekor buaya sepanjang empat kaki lebih oleh seorang nelayan pada 6 pagi ketika mengangkat pukatnya.

Saadon Kusairi, 60-an terkejut apabila pukatnya bukanlah berisi ikan baong yang kebiasaannya menjadi hasil tangkapan, namun seekor buaya seberat 10 kilogram tersangkut di dalam pukatnya.

“Saya pasang pukat pada Selasa dan Khamis (kelmarin) saya angkat dan lihat apa hasil tangkapan,” katanya kepada Utusan Borneo.

Bagaimanapun, kata Saadon, buaya berkenaan mati dikhuatiri lemas dalam jaring pukatnya.

Bangkai buaya berkenaan katanya kemudiannya ditanam dengan bantuan anak, rakan serta jiran tetangga.

Menurut penduduk sekitar, kini mereka berasa gerun dan takut hendak ke sungai memandangkan saiz buaya itu yang kecil.

“Sebab itu anak buaya, mesti ada keluarga buaya masih berkeliaran di dalam sungai,” menurut salah seorang penduduk.

Pada masa sama, penduduk menggesa pihak bertanggungjawab mengambil tindakan segera kerana tidak mahu ada tragedi melibatkan sang bedal membaham mangsa.

- Utusan Borneo

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The sape’ master. Sarawak.

# News Source
(New Sarawak Tribune)
Published : Thursday September 10, 2015

Sarawak is rich not only with natural resources but also with diverse cultures of the people ‐ each with its own distinct culture, language, and lifestyle. 

But as modernisation sets in, these unique cultures are slowly fading away as the younger
generation leaves their villages to pursue their education and career in the larger cities.

Saddened by this sight, one man felt it was his responsibility to keep his heritage and
culture alive.

Nowadays the name Mathew Ngau Jau is known to most Sarawakians. 

Known as the Sape’ Master and also the face for the famous Rainforest World Music Festival, Mathew, 63, keeps the sape’ music alive and vibrant nationally and also internationally.

In recognition of his work, Mathew was recently named as one of Malaysia’s Living
Heritage ‐ the only person from East Malaysia to receive this honour.

Childhood tune A humble and simple man, Mathew is a Kenyah Ngorek (a sub‐ethnic group of the Orang Ulu) from Long Semiang, Baram. 

According to Mathew, the Kenyah Ngorek was the first group of Kenyah to set foot in the Upper Baram River and is considered the oldest group of the Kenyah people.

As he was growing up, the music from the sape’ was the only source of entertainment he had in the longhouse and unbeknownst to him at that time, sape’ was going to be a big part of his life.

“I only started playing the sape’ seriously when the late Tusau Padan and Uchau Bilung invited me to play together with them,” Mathew explained his early beginnings.

A teacher by profession, Mathew would accompany his mentors for performances when he had the time. 

After they passed away, it dawned upon Mathew that someone has to continue to play
the sape’ and revive it.

“There was actually one point in time where no one was playing the sape’ in the longhouses

It was only in the cities where the sape’ were being played. 

If the villagers want to dance, they would just play the recording of the sape’ music,” recalled Mathew.

This prompted him to continue to play the sape’ and impart knowledge to others in order to keep his culture alive.

Even though he was still working as a teacher at SMK Bau, Mathew would receive invitations to perform overseas to promote Sarawak but eventually it got difficult for him to juggle his time between the two. 

After an honest discussion with his wife, Mathew decided to request for early retirement to focus solely on playing the sape’.

He was only 47 years old when the ministry approved of his retirement.

Click at the NEWS SOURCE to read more

- New Sarawak Tribune

Buaya berjaya ditangkap di Sungai Pandaruan, Limbang, Sarawak.

# News Source (Facebook)
Published : Thursday September 10, 2015
Buaya yang berjaya ditangkap di Sungai Pandaruan, Limbang. Menurut sumber buaya ini dikenali dengan nama "Bujang Pandaruan".

Monday, August 31, 2015

A dead crocodile at Sebelak River. Near Kampung Melayu Roban, Sarawak.

# News Source (New Sarawak Tribune)
Published : Wednesday September 2, 2015

ROBAN: A group of anglers were shocked to see a dead crocodile floating in Sungai Seblak near Kampung Melayu Roban here yesterday.

The discovery of the three‐metre reptile weighing over 100 kilogrammes clearly sent chills down the nearby villagers’ spines.

According to one of the anglers who requested anonymity said he and his friends were on their way to their favourite fishing spot at downstream when they spotted an object
resembling a log floating near the riverbank around 8.00am.

“As we got closer to the object, we realised that it was a dead crocodile and we immediately alerted the authority about the discovery,” he said.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) when contacted confirmed receiving a report of the crocodile carcass.

He said the discovery of the carcass was a surprise as there was no instruction issued by the relevant authority to hunt or catch crocodiles in Sungai Seblak.

“The crocodile carcass was retrieved for further action,” said the spokesman.

- New Sarawak Tribune

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Published : Tuesday September 1, 2015 

More News on Crocodile Attacks & Cullings :
SFC: Secret burial ground for Bujang Seblak, two others. (July 4, 2012)
SWAT captures 9 Foot Crocodile. (August 7, 2013)

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