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Mum saves young son from abductors outside school

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JOHOR BARU: An alert woman managed to save her eight-year-old son from being abducted outside his school in Plentong here.

The 41-year-old housewife took her son to school at around noon several days ago.

However, just as the son was ­waving goodbye to his mother while entering the school compound, a car with two men inside suddenly pulled up.

One of them attempted to strike up a conversation with the boy.

The woman, suspecting something amiss, immediately called out to her son to run towards her car just as one of the men made a grab for him.

Holding onto her son’s hand tightly, the woman screamed at the top of her lungs – and the men fled. She immediately lodged a police report.

Sri Alam OCPD Supt Abdul Samad Salleh said investigation was ongoing, but declined to elaborate.
The Police Report

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